
Partner powerfully.

Logicus has professionalized customs brokerage to drive results throughout the supply chain. You can now do more, better, and for less. Consistently.

Top tech. Top people.

Faster clearance requires advanced tech and the best people. That’s what you get with Logicus: the latest digital and automation tools in the hands of the finest compliance experts. Unbeatable.

Single-contact support.

With Logicus, one dedicated service-delivery team works seamlessly with your team. One efficient point of contact. One call when you need an answer. In the background: all our formidable resources.

All risks anticipated.

Your risks are mitigated with technology and foresight long before your goods arrive at the border. Because our primary focus is compliance, there are no distractions. Or surprises.

At a point, complexity becomes an
unacceptable risk.

Trade regulations and technologies continue to get more complex. For large importers and exporters,
there’s a crossroads. Either continue investing in new tech and a growing headcount, or reduce overheads and
the risk of falling behind by scaling on demand with the right partner.

Logicus offers more.

More professionalization.

Complexity requires professionalization. We think of it as Customs Brokerage 2.0. Beyond clearing your goods, we cover all your risks and uncover all your opportunities across the supply chain. With deeper expertise, advanced technologies, and top people.

More compliance specialists.

Most upper-tier customs brokers are large shipping companies that provide customs brokerage. Logicus is foremost a customs broker and compliance specialist. We are geared for compliance performance — before, during, and after clearance.

More resources.

With Logicus, you get full-spectrum value. We invest continually in depth and range of service. Customs brokerage. Consulting. Trade management. International freight. Every resource to accelerate flow and reduce risk.

More authority.

Because of our deep resources and long-established record of compliance excellence, Logicus is trusted. We are first to be called when new government programs are in design, then a leader in pilots and rollouts. So you are always ahead of the curve.

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Automated to be error-free.

Consistency drives results and protects reputations. With Logicus, your trade activity is steadily monitored and optimized.

Best-In-Class Technologies.

Our automated SaaS software solutions interface non-intrusively with your systems, eliminating manual entry and speeding transit.

Best-Performance Data.

Because trade efficiency is a moving target, we continuously evaluate your trading procedures and performance end to end.

Reliable, Repeatable Results.

Better efficiency means better results, continuously. Risks covered. Money recovered. Opportunities leveraged. Again and again.


Take the pressure off your people.

We take the load off your people, temporarily or ongoing. Using Logicus as a pressure-release valve can be a cost-effective alternative to staffing and training.

Achieve excellence for less.

There’s no better choice than Logicus for full management of key functions such as classifications, qualification, and reconciliation. Reduce time, labor, and errors. Make costs predictable. Benchmark performance. Flex with opportunity.

Trade globally with confidence.

With Logicus, you’ll trade worldwide with full knowledge of compliance, trade agreements, and changing regulations across global customs regimes. Our consultants and regulatory teams specialize in geopolitical trends and risk minimization.

Optimize supplier compliance.

Your people need the assurance that compliance paperwork flowing from your suppliers can be trusted. We educate and onboard your suppliers then continually optimize the accuracy of shared data. Automation further mitigates errors.


Logicus Portal: Industry-Leading Technology

Are you worried about not having visibility into possible market turmoil? Logicus Portal, our simple, intuitive customer portal technology, gives you dashboard visibility plus industry leading performance-modelling.

Dashboard Visibility

Watch all the important milestones along your supply chain as they occur. Use My Logicus to decide, initiate, adjust, monitor, and validate.

Performance Analytics

We steadily capture your cost-and-performance data plus that of your supply chain partners for root-cause analysis and ongoing fine-tuning.

Collaborate in Real-Time

My Logicus is the best way to collaborate with your team and ours. Share data and documents. Chat in real-time. Get action when needed.

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I want to consult with a trade expert about importing goods for the business services industry. 

Air cargo tracking

Track air cargo for 231 airlines here