Heavy Equipment

We do the heavy lifting.

Projects and businesses rely on big iron arriving on time. Count on Logicus to to deal with all the complexities and clear the border. Faster.

Deliver as promised.

The heavy equipment market has changed. There’s more competition, increasing commoditization of products and more environmental regulation. Shipments of new and used equipment are increasing. Parts shipments are soaring. Logicus makes it easier, with expert knowledge and a full set of services for shipping heavy equipment across borders. Stay compliant. Avoid delays. Deliver as promised.

Crossing borders confidently.

When shipping heavy equipment, the slightest error can cause considerable damage, downtime, and lost opportunity for your business. We help you comply with the anti-dumping legislation and the many government agencies responsible for safeguarding our transportation, environment and food supply chain.

Freight forwarding for heavy equipment.

Oversized equipment can be the most valuable part of your projects. We are experts at handling oversized, heavy, high-value equipment. You can count on our expertise, specialized equipment, and precise handling in moving over-dimensional cargo safely and on budget.

Have parts data at your fingertips.

For importers with many unrelated vendors and a large tariff base, it’s essential to maintain a comprehensive parts database. Ready when needed, your data includes tariff classification numbers, product descriptions, and duty rates.

Compliance and security

Compliance and security are priorities. It’s also a lot of work. We do it for you. You’ll improve accuracy, documentation, and audit readiness, ultimately saving time and money. We’ll develop a tailored solution, update you at every step, and navigate the complex requirements.

Customs Brokerage

Duties, licenses, permits, and all other brokerage requirements are handled expertly for optimal clearance.

Global Trade Management

Total import/export compliance services. Don’t let your operations impede your opportunities.


Ocean Freight. Air Freight. Freight Management Services. Project Moves. Cargo Insurance.

Trade Consulting

Compliance. Valuation. Audit. Controls. Disclosure. Licensing. Classification. Financial recovery. Supply chain security.

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How can we help you?

Getting an online quote is easy. Simply tell us what you want, and a Logicus representative

will be in contact to advise you on the most efficient way to accomplish your requirements.
We are available 24 hours, 7 days a week.

Air cargo tracking

Track air cargo for 231 airlines here