

The complexities of international trade are mostly about data. There’s more of it. It has to be accurate and timely. When it’s not, costly delays can occur. LogicTrade Importer automates your inbound trade data for accurate communication between you, your partners, and Customs.

Complexity Demands Automation

Importers must manage data from many sources to meet all customs compliance requirements, including tightening regulations, stricter security policies, and evolving trade agreements. Plus, there are always questions to answer: Do any preferential programs apply to a product? Is a certification valid? Are there regulations that restrict an import? Are all products classified accurately? LogicTrade Importer automatically has the answers you need.

Getting It Right Through Every Step

LogicTrade Importer simplifies the complexities by modeling your inbound supply chain, compiling regulatory compliance requirements, and helping you make sure your reporting is complete. Throughout the import lifecycle — from pre-entry to post-entry processing — LogicTrade Importer provides responsive and cost-effective control.

Staying One Step Ahead

U.S. government agencies are aligning electronic filing with customs through the Automated Customs Environment (ACE). LogicTrade Importer is an ideal interface. All goods are listed, import origination locations listed, and any additional required information included. All documents are centralized and streamed through your broker for timely filing.

Software That Keeps On Paying

LogicTrade Importer pays for itself quickly then keeps on paying you for years. When your customs broker has the right data, the cost of manual keying is eliminated. Common errors and omissions made during self-filing are avoided, as are fines and penalties. And, of course, better data quality means that your goods will proceed through customs without unnecessary disruption.

Uncover the vulnerabilities in your international trade practices.

Our FREE 10-minute Trade Compliance Health Check can help you find gaps in your international trade procedures. Receive a web-based report on your trade compliance readiness. Get information to help guide your improvement efforts. Minimize risk and boost your competitiveness.

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